7 Things Health Insurance Doesn’t Cover

7 Things Health Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Medicare is a government-run health insurance program that provides coverage for Americans who are 65 and older or have a disability. While Medicare covers a lot of medical expenses, there are certain things that it doesn’t cover—like cosmetic procedures, outpatient prescription drugs, and many new treatments and alternative treatments for chronic conditions, like cancer. Here are seven things that Medicare doesn’t cover: 1. Routine eye exams Medicare doesn’t cover routine eye exams unless you have diabetes or are at high risk for glaucoma. However, if you need surgery to correct your vision, Medicare will cover it. If you want routine eye exams, you can purchase additional coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan or a private insurer like Kaiser Permanente, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Humana, or Cigna. 2. Hearing aids Medicare doesn’t cover hearing aids, exams for fitting hearing aids, or exams for hearing problems. However, Medicare will cover diagnostic hearing and balance exams if your doctor thinks you need them. You can purchase additional coverage for hearing aids through a Medicare Advantage plan or a private insurer. 3. Routine dental exams Medicare doesn’t cover routine dental exams, cleanings, fillings, or extractions. However, Medicare will cover dental services if they are necessary for a covered medical procedure, such as jaw reconstruction after an accident.
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5 Early Signs of Endometriosis

5 Early Signs of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue that is similar to the lining of the uterus starts to grow outside the uterus. This can cause infertility as well as other symptoms such as fatigue or pain during ovulation. There are many treatments and medications that can help such as hormonal birth control which can help with getting hormones under control as well as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intrauterine insemination (IUI) which can be used to combat infertility. Here are some of the warning signs of endometriosis to look out for: 1. Pain and swelling in the abdomen and pelvic area Pain and swelling in the abdomen and pelvic area are the most common symptoms of endometriosis. The pain typically occurs during ovulation, periods, or intercourse but can also occur outside of these triggers. The growths caused by endometriosis can swell and bleed in the same way the lining inside of your uterus does during periods. However, since the tissue grows and bleeds in an area it cannot easily get out of your body from, it can cause pain and swelling. 2. Abnormal bleeding Another red flag to look out for with endometriosis is abnormal bleeding. Sometimes the tissue outside of the uterus can bleed excessively causing a very heavy menstrual flow or bleed when you are not on your period causing bleeding to occur randomly.
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Early Warning Signs of Dementia and Care Options to Consider

Early Warning Signs of Dementia and Care Options to Consider

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are debilitating conditions affecting millions of individuals worldwide. As people age, it becomes increasingly important to recognize the early warning signs of these diseases, such as memory loss, and consider various care options including supplements, caregivers guidelines, independent living, assisted living, and great medical alert systems, such as medic alert bracelets, to help manage the effects of progressive cognitive decline. In this article, we’ll explore the early warning signs of dementia and discuss some different care options available to individuals and their families: 1. Confusion about time and place Dementia can cause confusion, particularly when it comes to time and place. Patients may get lost in familiar surroundings, have difficulty following a routine, or forget the day of the week. 2. Changes in behavior Dementia can also cause changes in mood and behavior. Patients may become agitated, irritable, or withdrawn. They may also experience changes in personality or exhibit impulsive behavior. 3. Memory loss Memory loss is often one of the first signs of dementia. Patients may forget important events or appointments, have difficulty remembering names or faces, or struggle with new information. Supplements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, ginkgo biloba, and vitamin E may be helpful in supporting brain health.
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5 Ways to Reduce Depression Symptoms Without Medication

5 Ways to Reduce Depression Symptoms Without Medication

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. While medication can be effective in treating depression symptoms, it’s not always the best option for everyone. Some popular antidepressant medications include Auvelity, Viibryd, Lexapro, Trintellix, Latuda, Spravato, Vraylar, Vortioxetine, Bupropion, and Rexulti. However, there are alternative ways to reduce depression symptoms without the use of medication. Some alternative strategies that can help alleviate depression symptoms include online therapy, online counseling, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy, exercise, and changing the foods you eat. Here are some recommended alternative ways you can reduce the symptoms of depression: 1. Make achievable goals Setting achievable goals is a great way to regain a sense of control in life and boost self-esteem, which can help with depression symptoms. Small, realistic goals, such as completing a task or learning a new skill, can provide a sense of accomplishment and help to build a positive outlook. 2. Consume more omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseed, and walnuts, have been shown to improve mood and cognitive function, making them a useful supplement for those struggling with depression. Omega-3s work by promoting healthy brain function and reducing inflammation, both of which can contribute to depression symptoms.
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Smells That May Trigger Migraines and Treatments to Consider

Smells That May Trigger Migraines and Treatments to Consider

Migraines are a neurological condition and a common cause of pain and misery. They’re challenging to manage, and often require many treatments—including prescription medications, like Ajovy and Nurtec; over the counter drugs, like Advil and Excedrin, and Botox or acupuncture—to reduce the severity. To date, there is no one specific smell that may trigger migraine headaches for all patients, yet many sufferers are sensitive to common odors. Here are some common smells that trigger migraines: 1. Cigarette smoke Smoking and also second hand smoke leading smells that trigger migraine headaches. Cigarette smokers are at a higher risk of having migraine headaches than non-smokers. The chemicals in the smoke can cause severe and painful headaches. 2. Food odors Although it is hard to avoid the smell of food, many people have a strong reaction to certain smells. Some foods like onions, and garlic may trigger migraine headaches. 3. Perfumes and colognes There is a lot of controversy about perfumes and migraine headaches. Some people believe that scents cause migraine attacks, especially particularly sweet or musky fragrances and colognes. 4. Cleaning chemicals Many people are sensitive to the smell of cleaning chemicals. Some people avoid cleaning products because they can have a strong odor which can trigger migraine attacks.
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The Top 5 Thyroid Cancer Contributing Foods and Treatments to Consider

The Top 5 Thyroid Cancer Contributing Foods and Treatments to Consider

Thyroid cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the tissues of the thyroid gland. There are many risk factors that contribute to the development of thyroid cancer such as gender, age, and exposure to radiation. There are also many treatments for thyroid cancer, including medications such as Gavreto (also known as pralsetinib) or other treatments involving radiation or chemotherapy. The foods you eat can also put you at a higher risk of developing thyroid cancer and here are some foods you should avoid: 1. Processed meats According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there is evidence that links the consumption of processed meats and the development of cancers such as thyroid cancer. In fact processed meat is listed as a group 1 carcinogen. Examples of processed meats include: hotdogs, ham, sausages, beef jerky, canned meat, and lunch meat. 2. Alcohol Another food (or in this case beverage) that is listed as a group 1 carcinogen is alcohol. While consuming a single glass of wine every once in a while may not cause cancer, consuming large amounts of alcohol frequently can increase your odds of developing cancers such as thyroid cancer. 3. Sugary drinks Those that are obese have a much higher risk of developing cancers such as thyroid cancer, so it is vital to try and maintain a healthy weight.
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The Top 5 Breast Cancer Causing Foods and Treatments to Consider

The Top 5 Breast Cancer Causing Foods and Treatments to Consider

Breast cancer is a serious disease that affects many people worldwide. It can be caused by various factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental exposures. While there is no single cause of breast cancer, certain foods and treatments have been identified as potentially contributing to the development of metastatic breast cancer (MBC). In this listicle, we will discuss the top five foods that have been linked to MBC, as well as the latest treatments, including venetoclax, Herceptin, chemotherapy, and radiation, that may help manage the disease. Whether you are currently living with breast cancer or simply looking to reduce your risk, this listicle will provide you with valuable information to consider. Here are the top foods that cause breast cancer: 1. Processed meat Processed meats like bacon, sausage, and deli meat are high in preservatives, nitrates, and other chemicals that can be harmful to the body. These chemicals have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, as well as other cancers and health issues. To reduce your risk, try to limit your consumption of processed meats and choose healthier protein sources like fish, chicken, and plant-based options like tofu and lentils. 2. Fast food Fast food and fried foods are often high in unhealthy fats and calories, which can contribute to weight gain and inflammation in the body.
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Early Signs of Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) and Treatments to Consider

Early Signs of Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD) and Treatments to Consider

Growth Hormone Deficiency is a condition that occurs when the pituitary gland in the brain does not produce enough growth hormone. This deficiency can lead to various physical and mental health problems, especially in children. Some treatments to consider include Norditropin Flexpro injections, HGH X2 supplements, and Somatrophin. However, early detection usually leads to better results. So, if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of GHD, keep reading to learn more about the early signs of GHD: 1. More body fat around the waist One of the first warning signs of GHD is an increase of body and visceral fat especially around the abdomen known as central obesity. This can make patients more likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes but can also affect patients self-esteem and mental health. 2. Mental health struggles Those with GHD might deal with difficulties concentrating, a reduced attention span, and a worsened memory. This is even more prevalent in adult-onset GHD as there is an increased risk of developing anxiety and depression in these patients. 3. Low libido Those with adult-onset GHD typically report having little to absolutely no interest, motivation, energy, or enthusiasm for sex. This can affect the lives of patients who are in relationships and lead to interpersonal difficulties.
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Early Signs of Vitiligo

Early Signs of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigmentation or color. This occurs because the skin cells that are used to make pigmentation are attacked and destroyed, resulting in a white color. With vitiligo you are at an increased risk of sunburn, so it’s important to visit your doctor and get a good SPF sunscreen to protect your skin. Your dermatologist may also recommend various lotions, creams, medications like Ruxolitinib (Opzelura), and other treatments to consider to help with the disorder. The following points will describe early signs of vitiligo that you can watch out for: 1. Pale patches of skin Signs of vitiligo will start with a small, pale patch of skin that will gradually turn completely white and get bigger over time. The edges of the patch can be smooth or irregular and may become red and irritated. 2. Discolored patches in mouth and nose Not only does vitiligo affect the skin on the surface of your body, it can also impact mucus membranes such as your mouth and nose with patches of discoloration. 3. Easily sunburnt The patches where vitiligo is present are more sensitive and easily sunburnt than unaffected areas of skin.
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The Early Warning Signs of Huntington’s Disease

The Early Warning Signs of Huntington’s Disease

Huntington’s disease (HD) is an inherited disease that results in neurons gradually breaking down and dying. A diagnosis of Huntington’s usually follows severe symptoms of difficulty concentrating, depression, clumsiness, HD chorea and more. There is ongoing research for a cure, but until then, Huntington’s patients can receive treatments and medications such as Teva and Austedo XR. It can be helpful to notice it early, so here are some early warning signs of Huntington’s disease: 1. A parent with Huntington’s disease Since Huntington’s is an inherited disease, once one of your parents or grandparents receives a diagnosis, you can get a test to see if you will also get it. However, some individuals that are more at risk for the disease choose not to get tested until symptoms appear—it’s all up to you and your preferences. 2. Difficulty concentrating and memory lapses Early on, cognitive decline from HD may result in difficulty concentrating and lapses in memory, due to the fact that the neurons in the brain are breaking down. As the disease progresses, these symptoms will become worse and concentration and focus will become more and more challenging. 3. Depression or severe mood swings Behavior and mood changes are some of the biggest indicators of Huntington’s early on.
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