6 Foods to Avoid for Asthma Patients
In some people, asthma attacks can be triggered by consuming certain foods. Identifying the foods you are sensitive to is important as consuming them can cause inflammation leading to breathing difficulties. It is better to avoid such foods that put you at risk of an asthma attack. Below are some of the foods to avoid when suffering from asthma.
Foods Containing Preservatives
Foods with preservatives such as sulfites can trigger asthma in some people. Sulfites increase the shelf life of the food and are added in many canned foods and cured or prepared meats. People with asthma need to avoid such foods containing sulfites as it can irritate the lungs triggering a reaction in a few hours. Sulfites are also found in
- Dried fruits like raisins, apricots, and dried plums
- Packaged potatoes
- Wine and beer
- Pickled food
- Frozen shrimp and other shellfish
- Maraschino cherries
- Bottled lemon and lime juice
- Commercial baked goods like pie crusts, canned frosting, biscuit dough
It is important to read the label for words like potassium bisulfite and sodium sulfite before buying, as consuming foods with these preservatives can cause problems for people with asthma.
Foods with Omega-6
Raw sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds are sources of Omega-6 fatty acids. They may increase inflammation when consumed in excess and should be avoided by people with asthma. Some oils also contain Omega-6. such as flaxseed and grape seed oils.
Gassy Foods
They are one of the primary foods to avoid when suffering from asthma. Foods like beans, cauliflower, broccoli, fried foods, onions, garlic, and carbonated drinks can cause acidity or even bloating. This may cause chest tightness and make breathing difficult triggering asthma flare-ups.
Foods Containing Salicylates
Salicylates are chemical compounds that are found naturally in tea, coffee, some herbs and spices, and in anti-inflammatory pills like aspirin. This chemical compound does not affect most people with asthma, but for some, it may cause difficulty in breathing. They are one of the foods to avoid when suffering from asthma.
Foods High in Sodium
Consuming excessive amounts of salt can also worsen asthma symptoms. Some foods that are particularly high in sodium include canned soups, processed meats and cheeses, potato chips, crackers, and pretzels. These high-salt foods are not good for anyone, especially for asthmatic people.
Common Food Allergens
Allergic reactions can worsen if you have asthma and food allergy. This can be a life-threatening situation for people with asthma when they are exposed to even small amounts of foods they are allergic to. The most common foods causing allergies are
- Peanuts
- Eggs
- Cow’s milk
- Soy
- Wheat
- Tree nuts
- Fish
You must know what your main food triggers are from the above list of foods to avoid when suffering from asthma. It’s vital to be mindful of what you eat and refrain from consuming those food items that are causing asthma symptoms.